Our mission is to create an award that extends our Mission at St. Francis Lodge (www.stfrancislodge.org) of promoting peace to the world by acknowledging and showing our heart-felt gratitude to those who are making a big difference in the world with unconditional giving to spread peace.
Award Presentation is Underwritten By Green Lights Recycling, GLRnow.com
Presenting Sponsor Warner Stellian, www.warnerstellian.com
36137 New Melahn Drive, Lake George, MN 55418
For Immediate Release: January 1, 2019
Press Release
“Pope Francis Heads List Of ‘Peace Award’ Recipients
For 2018!”
Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2019; Lake George, Minnesota: Pope Francis, US Senator Amy Klobuchar, Rotary International, and Delta Airlines are the 2018 recipients of the 2018 “St. Francis Award” for their work to promote peace worldwide.
Mission Statement: To create an award that extends our Mission at St. Francis Lodge of promoting peace to the world by acknowledging and showing our heart-felt gratitude to those who are making a big difference in the world with unconditional giving to spread peace in the world.
“Each year, beginning on January 1,2019, we will announce 4 Award Recipients for outstanding work in bringing peace to the world. There will be four categories of winners; An Individual (s), A Humanitarian Organization, A Business, A Political Leader”, explains Co-Founder of the Award, Sal Di Leo.
Award Presentation is Underwritten By Green Lights Recycling, GLRnow.com
Presenting Sponsor Warner Stellian, www.warnerstellian.com