After 20 years, I have been very fortunate to have found screen writer Dan Hendrickson, from Minnesota. For the past 6 months Dan has worked diligently on adapting my Memoir, “Did I ever thank you Sister?” to a Screen Play for a major motion picture as close to the written story as possible to maintain the integrity of the story. He has done a marvelous job. And, it is not often a screen writer will let an author have a great deal of input on a script. Dan has been the exception to the rule. He is also very creative and a great human being. As an author of a memoir, I am truly very happy with how the adaptation (script) has turned out. I have had a chance to present it to close friends to read and am hearing from them and people in the film industry who have read it, that ” Dan has created an exceptional work”. It is a work with a message that reasonates with many people who are doing their best to make it through life with integrity and with the hope they can make it through with those they love, to the end. At this time, it is up to the producer to bring it to life now on the big screen. I am grateful. Sal.  For more info. see (